My wife and I recently started looking for our first house.
Very early on in the search, I was sure we had found the one. Emily, on the other hand, wanted to keep looking. I immediately got stressed out about possibly missing the opportunity.
The city we live in has turned into a hot real-estate market in the last 5 years with a real scarcity of homes for sale compared to the number of people hoping to buy. As the days ticked past, my stomach started feeling more and more nervous, my poops got bad (which ALWAYS freaking happens when I’m stressed out about something), and I started to revive the untrue story I have in my head about Emily never making decisions quickly or being able to jump on rare opportunities.
It was just getting worse and worse until I finally realized something:
When things get tense like that, you can play a card (like the Guilt Card or the You’re-Ruining-This-For-Us Card) and pressure your partner. But in the end, it’s not the house that really, truly has to work. It’s your marriage that has to work.
The tense moments are an opportunity to get good at making hard decisions together. But you need something serious like a house to make the exercise matter. Because if what’s at stake is which throw-pillow to buy for our futon and I couldn’t care less, then there’s no exercise there. There’s no growth.
My poops went back to normal when I was able to tell myself:
Alright man, don’t make the ultimate goal a certain house. Make the ultimate goal that the process went well, that you learned about each other, and that you’ll be in better position to make an important decision next time. Optimize around those outcomes and you’ll end up with a good house anyway. And someone who still likes you enough to live in the house with you.